1 module uim.bootstrap.bs5.demos.components.listgroups;
3 import uim.bootstrap;
5 static this() {
6 	demoBS5.pages("basic/components/listgroups", new class DH5AppPage {
7 		this() { 
8 			super(); 
9 			this
10 			.created(DateTime(2020, 12, 20, 10, 10, 0))
11 			.changed(timeLastModified(__FILE_FULL_PATH__))
12 			.parameters([
13 					"pageTitle": "List Groups - Bootstrap 5 Demo",
14           ]);
15 		} 
17     override string content() { 
19 auto defaultExample = demoBs5Example("default", "Default list group", 
20   H5Div(
21     BS5List
22     .item("List group item 1")
23     .item("List group item 2")
24     .item("List group item 3")
25   ), `BS5List(
26   BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
27   BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
28   BS5ListItem("List group item 3"))
30 --- compact version ---
32 BS5List
33 .item("List group item 1")
34 .item("List group item 2")
35 .item("List group item 3")`, 
36 `<ul class="list-group">
37   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 1</li>
38   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 2</li>
39   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 3</li>
40 </ul>`);
42 auto activeExample = demoBs5Example("active", "List group with an active item",      
43   H5Div(
44     BS5List
45     .item("List group item one")
46     .item(["active"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item two")
47     .item("List group item three")
48   ), 
49   `BS5List(
50   BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
51   BS5ListItem(["active"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item 2"),
52   BS5ListItem("List group item 3"))
54 --- compact version ---
56 BS5List
57 .item("List group item 1")
58 .item(["active"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item 2")
59 .item("List group item 3")`, 
60 `<ul class="list-group">
61   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 1</li>
62   <li class="active list-group-item" aria-current="true">List group item 2</li>
63   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 3</li>
64 </ul>`);
66 auto disabledExample = demoBs5Example("disabled", "List group with a disabled item",      
67   H5Div(
68     BS5List
69     .item("List group item 1")
70     .item(["disabled"], ["aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 2")
71     .item("List group item 3")
72   ), `BS5List(
73   BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
74   BS5ListItem(["disabled"], ["aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 2"),
75   BS5ListItem("List group item 3"))
77 --- compact version ---
79 BS5List
80   .item("List group item 1")
81   .item(["disabled"], ["aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 2")
82   .item("List group item 3")
83 `, 
84   `<ul class="list-group">
85   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 1</li>
86   <li class="disabled list-group-item" aria-disabled="true">List group item 2</li>
87   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 3</li>
88 </ul>`);
90 auto linksExample = demoBs5Example("links", "Working with Links",      
91   H5Div(
92     BS5List
93     .link(["href":"#"], "List group item 1")
94     .link(["active"], ["href":"#", "aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 2")
95     .link(["disabled"], ["href":"#", "aria-disabled":"true", "tabindex":"-1"], "List group item 3")
96   ), `BS5List(
97   BS5ListLink(["href":"#"], "List group item 1"),
98   BS5ListLink(["active"], ["href":"#", "aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 2"),
99   BS5ListLink(["disabled"], ["href":"#", "aria-disabled":"true", "tabindex":"-1"], "List group item 3"))
101 --- compact version ---
103 BS5List
104 .link(["href":"#"], "List group item 1")
105 .link(["active"], ["href":"#", "aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 2")
106 .link(["disabled"], ["href":"#", "aria-disabled":"true", "tabindex":"-1"], "List group item 3")
107 `, ``);
109 auto buttonsExample = demoBs5Example("buttons", "Buttons",      
110   H5Div(
111     BS5List
112     .button("List group item 1")
113     .button(["active"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item 2")
114     .button(["disabled"], ["aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 3")
115   ), `BS5List(
116   BS5ButtonLink("List group item 1"),
117   BS5ButtonLink(["active"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item 2"),
118   BS5ButtonLink(["diaabled"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item 3"))
120 --- compact version ---
122 BS5List
123 .button("List group item 1")
124 .button(["active"], ["aria-current":"true"], "List group item 2")
125 .button(["disabled"], ["aria-disabled":"true"], "List group item 3")
126 `, ``);
128 auto flushExample = demoBs5Example("flush", "Flush",      
129   H5Div(
130     BS5List(["list-group-flush"])
131       .item("List group item 1")
132       .item("List group item 2")
133       .item("List group item 3")
134   ), `BS5List(["list-group-flush"],
135   BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
136   BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
137   BS5ListItem("List group item 3"))
139 --- compact version ---
141 BS5List(["list-group-flush"])
142 .item("List group item 1")
143 .item("List group item 2")
144 .item("List group item 3")
145 `, `<ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
146   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 1</li>
147   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 2</li>
148   <li class="list-group-item">List group item 3</li>
149 </ul>`);
151 auto horizontalExample = demoBs5Example("horizontal", "Horizontal",      
152   H5Div(
153     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "Using breakpoints with list groups"),
154     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal"],
155       BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
156       BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
157       BS5ListItem("List group item 3")),
158     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "Sizes small and up (sm)"),
159     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal-sm"],
160       BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
161       BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
162       BS5ListItem("List group item 3")),
163     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "Sizes medium and up (md)"),
164     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal-md"],
165       BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
166       BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
167       BS5ListItem("List group item 3")),
168     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "Sizes large and up (lg)"),
169     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal-lg"],
170       BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
171       BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
172       BS5ListItem("List group item 3")),
173     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "Sizes extra Large and up (xl)"),
174     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal-xl"],
175       BS5ListItem("List group item 1"),
176       BS5ListItem("List group item 2"),
177       BS5ListItem("List group item 3"))
178   ), ``, ``);
180 auto equalwidthExample = demoBs5Example("equalwidth", "Defining equal-width list group item",      
181   H5Div(
182     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "All breakpoints"),
183     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal"],
184       BS5ListItem(["flex-fill"], "List group item 1"),
185       BS5ListItem(["flex-fill"], "List group item 2"),
186       BS5ListItem(["flex-fill"], "List group item 3"))
187   ), ``, ``);
189 auto colorsExample = demoBs5Example("colors", "Using colors in Listgroups",      
190   H5Div(
191     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "All breakpoints"),
192     BS5List(["list-group-horizontal"],
193       BS5ListItem(["flex-fill"], "List group item 1"),
194       BS5ListItem(["flex-fill"], "List group item 2"),
195       BS5ListItem(["flex-fill"], "List group item 3")),
196     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "Normal list group"),
197     BS5List(
198       BS5ListItem("Default list group item"),
199       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-primary"], "Primary"),
200       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-secondary"], "Secondary"),
201       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-success"], "Succcess"),
202       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-danger"], "Danger"),
203       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-warning"], "Warning"),
204       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-info"], "Info"),
205       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-light"], "Light"),
206       BS5ListItem(["list-group-item-dark"], "Dark")),
207     H5H5(["text-muted", "mt-3"], "List group with links"),
208     BS5List(
209       BS5ListLink("Default list group item"),
210       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-primary"], "Primary"),
211       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-secondary"], "Secondary"),
212       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-success"], "Succcess"),
213       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-danger"], "Danger"),
214       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-warning"], "Warning"),
215       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-info"], "Info"),
216       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-light"], "Light"),
217       BS5ListLink(["list-group-item-dark"], "Dark"))
218   ), ``, ``);
220 auto badgesExample = demoBs5Example("badges", "Badges",      
221   H5Div(
222     BS5List(
223       BS5ListItem(["d-flex", "justify-content-between", "align-items-center"], 
224         H5String("List group item one"), BS5Badge(["rounded-pill", "bg-primary"], "#")),
225       BS5ListItem(["d-flex", "justify-content-between", "align-items-center"], 
226         H5String("List group item one"), BS5Badge(["rounded-pill", "bg-primary"], "##")),
227       BS5ListItem(["d-flex", "justify-content-between", "align-items-center"], 
228         H5String("List group item one"), BS5Badge(["rounded-pill", "bg-primary"], "###")))
229   ), ``, ``);
231 auto customExample = demoBs5Example("custom", "Custom content",      
232   H5Div(
233     BS5List(
234       BS5ListLink(["active"], ["href":"#", "aria-current":"true"], 
235         H5H4("Active item"),
236         H5P("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet pellentesque lorem sed elementum. Suspendisse maximus convallis ex. Etiam eleifend velit leo."),
237         H5Small("Etiam eleifend velit leo.")),
238       BS5ListLink(["href":"#"], 
239         H5H4("Normal item"),
240         H5P("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet pellentesque lorem sed elementum. Suspendisse maximus convallis ex. Etiam eleifend velit leo."),
241         H5Small("Etiam eleifend velit leo.")),
242       BS5ListLink(["disabled"], ["href":"#"], 
243         H5H4("Disabled item"),
244         H5P("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet pellentesque lorem sed elementum. Suspendisse maximus convallis ex. Etiam eleifend velit leo."),
245         H5Small("Etiam eleifend velit leo.")))
246   ), ``, ``);
248 auto tabsExample = demoBs5Example("tabs", "Tab panels",      
249   H5Div(
250     BS5Row(
251       H5Div(["col-4"], 
252         H5Div(["list-group"], ["role":"tablist"], 
253           BS5ListLink("tab-1", ["active"], ["href":"#tab-pane-1", "data-toggle":"list", "role":"tab", "aria-controls":"tab-pane-1"], "Tab pane 1"),
254           BS5ListLink("tab-2", ["href":"#tab-pane-2", "data-toggle":"list", "role":"tab", "aria-controls":"tab-pane-2"], "Tab pane 2"),
255           BS5ListLink("tab-3", ["href":"#tab-pane-3", "data-toggle":"list", "role":"tab", "aria-controls":"tab-pane-3"], "Tab pane 3"))),
256       H5Div(["col-4"], 
257         H5Div(["tab-content"],
258           H5Div("tab-pane-1", ["tab-pane", "fade", "show", "active"], ["role":"tabpanel", "aria-labelledby":"tab-1"], 
259           "Tab pane 1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet pellentesque lorem sed elementum. Suspendisse maximus convallis ex. Etiam eleifend velit leo."),
260           H5Div("tab-pane-2", ["tab-pane", "fade", "show"], ["role":"tabpanel", "aria-labelledby":"tab-2"], 
261           "Tab pane 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet pellentesque lorem sed elementum. Suspendisse maximus convallis ex. Etiam eleifend velit leo."),
262           H5Div("tab-pane-3", ["tab-pane", "fade", "show"], ["role":"tabpanel", "aria-labelledby":"tab-3"], 
263           "Tab pane 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In laoreet pellentesque lorem sed elementum. Suspendisse maximus convallis ex. Etiam eleifend velit leo.")
264         )))
265   ), ``, ``);
267       return 
268 H5Main(["style":"margin-top:70px;"], 
269   H5Div(["container-fluid", "mt-3", "bg-light"],
270     bs5Breadcrumbs(["/", "/demos", "/demos/uim-bootstrap", "/demos/uim-bootstrap/5/", "/demos/uim-bootstrap/5/basic/", "/demos/uim-bootstrap/5/basic/components"], 
271       ["UI Manufaktur", "Demos", "uim-bootstrap", "Bootstrap 5", "Basic", "Components"], "List Groups")),
272   BS5Container(["mt-3"]).row(
273     H5Div(["col-12", "col-lg-2"], 
274       listLevels("basic"),
275       listAreas("basic", "components"),
276       listSections("basic", "components", "listgroups")),
277     H5Div(["col-12", "col-lg-8"], 
278       dateInfo(this),
279       H5H2(["display-4"], "List Groups"),
280       H5Hr,
282       defaultExample, 
283       activeExample,      
284       disabledExample,      
285       linksExample,      
286       buttonsExample,      
287       flushExample,      
288       horizontalExample,      
289       equalwidthExample,      
290       colorsExample,      
291       badgesExample,      
292       customExample,      
293       tabsExample
295   ))).toString;
297     }
298   });
299 }