1 module uim.bootstrap.bs5.demos.examples.pricing;
3 import uim.bootstrap;
5 static this() {
6 	demoBS5.pages("examples/pricing", new class DH5AppPage {
7 		this() { 
8 			super(); 
9 			this
10 			.created(DateTime(2020, 12, 20, 10, 10, 0))
11 			.changed(timeLastModified(__FILE_FULL_PATH__))
12 			.parameters([
13 					"pageTitle": "Starter Page - Bootstrap 5 Demo",
14           ]);
15 		} 
17     override string content() { 
19       return 
20 `<style>
21       .container {
22   max-width: 960px;
23 }
25 .pricing-header {
26   max-width: 700px;
27 }
28 .bd-placeholder-img {
29         font-size: 1.125rem;
30         text-anchor: middle;
31         -webkit-user-select: none;
32         -moz-user-select: none;
33         user-select: none;
34       }
36       @media (min-width: 768px) {
37         .bd-placeholder-img-lg {
38           font-size: 3.5rem;
39         }
40       }
41     </style>
44     <!-- Custom styles for this template -->
45     <link href="pricing.css" rel="stylesheet">
46   </head>
47   <body>
49 <header class="d-flex flex-column flex-md-row align-items-center p-3 px-md-4 mb-3 bg-white border-bottom shadow-sm">
50   H5P(["h5 my-0 me-md-auto fw-normal">Company name")
51   H5Nav(["my-2 my-md-0 me-md-3">
52     H5A(["p-2 text-dark"], ["href":"#"], Features"),
53     H5A(["p-2 text-dark"], ["href":"#"], Enterprise"),
54     H5A(["p-2 text-dark"], ["href":"#"], Support"),
55     H5A(["p-2 text-dark"], ["href":"#"], Pricing"),
56   ),
57   H5A(["btn btn-outline-primary"], ["href":"#"], Sign up"),
58 </header>
60 H5Main(["container"], 
61   H5Div(["pricing-header px-3 py-3 pt-md-5 pb-md-4 mx-auto text-center">
62     H5H1(["display-4">Pricing"),
63     H5P(["lead">Quickly build an effective pricing table for your potential customers with this Bootstrap example. It’s built with default Bootstrap components and utilities with little customization.")
64   ),
66   H5Div(["row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 mb-3 text-center">
67     H5Div(["col">
68       BS5Card(["mb-4 shadow-sm">
69       H5Div(["card-header">
70         H5H4(["my-0 fw-normal">Free</h4>
71       ),
72       BS5CardBody(
73         H5H1(["card-title pricing-card-title">$0 <small class="text-muted">/ mo"),"),
74         H5Ul(["list-unstyled mt-3 mb-4">
75           H5Li("10 users included),
76           H5Li("2 GB of storage),
77           H5Li("Email support),
78           H5Li("Help center access),
79         ),
80         <button "type":"button" class="w-100 btn btn-lg btn-outline-primary">Sign up for free)
81       ),
82     ),
83     ),
84     H5Div(["col">
85       BS5Card(["mb-4 shadow-sm">
86       H5Div(["card-header">
87         H5H4(["my-0 fw-normal">Pro</h4>
88       ),
89       BS5CardBody(
90         H5H1(["card-title pricing-card-title">$15 <small class="text-muted">/ mo"),"),
91         H5Ul(["list-unstyled mt-3 mb-4">
92           H5Li("20 users included),
93           H5Li("10 GB of storage),
94           H5Li("Priority email support),
95           H5Li("Help center access),
96         ),
97         <button "type":"button" class="w-100 btn btn-lg btn-primary">Get started)
98       ),
99     ),
100     ),
101     H5Div(["col">
102       BS5Card(["mb-4 shadow-sm">
103       H5Div(["card-header">
104         H5H4(["my-0 fw-normal">Enterprise</h4>
105       ),
106       BS5CardBody(
107         H5H1(["card-title pricing-card-title">$29 <small class="text-muted">/ mo"),"),
108         H5Ul(["list-unstyled mt-3 mb-4">
109           H5Li("30 users included),
110           H5Li("15 GB of storage),
111           H5Li("Phone and email support),
112           H5Li("Help center access),
113         ),
114         <button "type":"button" class="w-100 btn btn-lg btn-primary">Contact us)
115       ),
116     ),
117     ),
118   ),
120   H5Footer(["pt-4 my-md-5 pt-md-5 border-top">
121     H5Div(["row">
122       H5Div(["col-12 col-md">
123         H5Img(["mb-2" src="../assets/brand/bootstrap-logo.svg" alt="" "width":"24" "height":"19">
124         <small class="d-block mb-3 text-muted">&copy; 2017-2020"),
125       ),
126       H5Div(["col-6 col-md">
127         <h5>Features"),
128         H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small">
129           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Cool stuff")),
130           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Random feature")),
131           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Team feature")),
132           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Stuff for developers")),
133           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Another one")),
134           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Last time")),
135         ),
136       ),
137       H5Div(["col-6 col-md">
138         <h5>Resources"),
139         H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small">
140           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Resource")),
141           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Resource name")),
142           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Another resource")),
143           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Final resource")),
144         ),
145       ),
146       H5Div(["col-6 col-md">
147         <h5>About"),
148         H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small">
149           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Team")),
150           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Locations")),
151           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Privacy")),
152           H5Li("H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], Terms")),
153         ),
154       ),
155     ),
156   )
157 )
158 `;
160     }
161   });
162 }