1 module uim.bootstrap.bs5.demos.examples.product;
3 import uim.bootstrap;
5 static this() {
6 	demoBS5.pages("examples/starter", new class DH5AppPage {
7 		this() { 
8 			super(); 
9 			this
10 			.created(DateTime(2020, 12, 20, 10, 10, 0))
11 			.changed(timeLastModified(__FILE_FULL_PATH__))
12 			.parameters([
13 				"pageTitle": "Starter Page - Bootstrap 5 Demo",
14       ])
15       .styles(`.bd-placeholder-img {
16         font-size: 1.125rem;
17         text-anchor: middle;
18         -webkit-user-select: none;
19         -moz-user-select: none;
20         user-select: none;
21       }
23       @media (min-width: 768px) {
24         .bd-placeholder-img-lg {
25           font-size: 3.5rem;
26         }
27       }`)
28       .styles(["href":"product.css", "rel":"stylesheet"]);
29 		} 
31     override string content() { 
33       return 
34 H5Header(["site-header sticky-top py-1"], 
35   H5Nav(["container d-flex", "flex-column flex-md-row justify-content-between"], 
36     H5A(["py-2"], ["href":"#", "aria-label":"Product"], 
37 /*       <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" "width":"24" "height":"24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-"width":"2" class="d-block mx-auto" "role":"img" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>Product</title><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"/><path d="M14.31 8l5.74 9.94M9.69 8h11.48M7.38 12l5.74-9.94M9.69 16L3.95 6.06M14.31 16H2.83m13.79-4l-5.74 9.94"/></svg>
38  */ ),
39     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Tour"),
40     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Product"),
41     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Features"),
42     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Enterprise"),
43     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Support"),
44     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Pricing"),
45     H5A(["py-2 d-none d-md-inline-block"], ["href":"#"], "Cart"),
46   )
47 ).toString~
48 H5Main(
49   H5Div(["position-relative overflow-hidden p-3", "p-md-5 m-md-3 text-center bg-light"], 
50     H5Div(["col-md-5 p-lg-5 mx-auto my-5"], 
51       H5H1(["display-4 fw-normal"], "Punny headline"),
52       H5P(["lead fw-normal"], "And an even wittier subheading to boot. Jumpstart your marketing efforts with this example based on Apple’s marketing pages."),
53       H5A(["btn btn-outline-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Coming soon"),
54     ),
55     H5Div(["product-device", "shadow-sm d-none d-md-block"]),
56     H5Div(["product-device product-device-2", "shadow-sm d-none d-md-block"]),
57   ),
58   H5Div(["d-md-flex", "flex-md-equal w-100", "my-md-3", "ps-md-3"], 
59     H5Div(["bg-dark", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center text-white overflow-hidden"], 
60       H5Div(["my-3", "py-3"], 
61         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
62         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
63       ),
64       H5Div(["bg-light", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
65     ),
66     H5Div(["bg-light", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center", "overflow-hidden"], 
67       H5Div(["my-3", "p-3"], 
68         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
69         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
70       ),
71       H5Div(["bg-dark", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
72     )
73   ),
74   H5Div(["d-md-flex", "flex-md-equal w-100", "my-md-3", "ps-md-3"], 
75     H5Div(["bg-light", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center", "overflow-hidden"],
76       H5Div(["my-3", "p-3"], 
77         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
78         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
79       ),
80       H5Div(["bg-dark", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
81     ),
82     H5Div(["bg-primary", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center text-white overflow-hidden"],
83       H5Div(["my-3", "py-3"], 
84         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
85         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
86       ),
87       H5Div(["bg-light", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
88     )
89   ),
90   H5Div(["d-md-flex", "flex-md-equal w-100", "my-md-3", "ps-md-3"],
91     H5Div(["bg-light", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center", "overflow-hidden"],
92       H5Div(["my-3", "p-3"], 
93         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
94         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
95       ),
96       H5Div(["bg-white", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
97     ),
98     H5Div(["bg-light", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center", "overflow-hidden"], 
99       H5Div(["my-3", "py-3"], 
100         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
101         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
102       ),
103       H5Div(["bg-white", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
104     )
105   ),
106   H5Div(["d-md-flex", "flex-md-equal w-100", "my-md-3", "ps-md-3"], 
107     H5Div(["bg-light", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center", "overflow-hidden"],
108       H5Div(["my-3", "p-3"], 
109         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
110         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
111       ),
112       H5Div(["bg-white", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
113     ),
114     H5Div(["bg-light", "me-md-3", "pt-3", "px-3", "pt-md-5", "px-md-5", "text-center", "overflow-hidden"], 
115       H5Div(["my-3", "py-3"], 
116         H5H2(["display-5"], "Another headline"),
117         H5P(["lead"], "And an even wittier subheading.")
118       ),
119       H5Div(["bg-white", "shadow-sm mx-auto"], ["style":"width: 80%; height: 300px; border-radius: 21px 21px 0 0;"])
120     )
121   )
122 ).toString~
123 H5Footer(["container py-5"], 
124   H5Div(["row"], 
125     H5Div(["col-12 col-md"], 
126 /*       <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" "width":"24" "height":"24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-"width":"2" class="d-block mb-2" "role":"img" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>Product</title><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"/><path d="M14.31 8l5.74 9.94M9.69 8h11.48M7.38 12l5.74-9.94M9.69 16L3.95 6.06M14.31 16H2.83m13.79-4l-5.74 9.94"/></svg>
127  */      
128       H5Small(["d-block mb-3 text-muted"], "&copy; 2017-2020")
129     ),
130     H5Div(["col-6 col-md"], 
131       H5H5("Features"),
132       H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small"], 
133         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Cool stuff")),
134         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Random feature")),
135         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Team feature")),
136         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Stuff for developers")),
137         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Another one")),
138         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Last time"))
139       )
140     ),
141     H5Div(["col-6 col-md"], 
142       H5H5("Resources"),
143       H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small"], 
144         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Resource name")),
145         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Resource")),
146         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Another resource")),
147         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Final resource"))
148       )
149     ),
150     H5Div(["col-6 col-md"], 
151       H5H5("Resources"),
152       H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small"], 
153         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Business")),
154         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Education")),
155         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Government")),
156         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Gaming"))
157       )
158     ),
159     H5Div(["col-6 col-md"], 
160       H5H5("About"),
161       H5Ul(["list-unstyled text-small"], 
162         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Team")),
163         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Locations")),
164         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Privacy")),
165         H5Li(H5A(["link-secondary"], ["href":"#"], "Terms"))
166       )
167     )
168   )
169 ).toString;
171     }
172   });
173 }